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About the conference

IDP Connect is delighted to be a Gold Partner of this year's UKCISA Annual Conference, taking place on 25-27 June at the University of Kent.  

Each year this flagship gathering brings together international students, UKCISA members, policymakers, practitioners and thought leaders from across the sector to discuss and hear the latest ideas, insights and policy updates.  

Delegates will get the opportunity to network and connect with like-minded professionals and exchange ideas around the most pressing issues facing the sector currently. 

IDP Connect session

Rachel MacSween, Director of Client Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement at IDP Connect, will host a session during the conference - more details on the session will follow shortly.  

To read more on our international student recruitment and marketing research and insights, please click here

Find out more about the UKCISA Annual Conference 2024

For more information about the UKCISA Annual Conference and to book tickets, visit the event website here:

Visit UKCISA conference website