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We would like to invite you and your team to register for our upcoming webinar, ‘Accelerating, streamlining and diversifying into 2022’.

Hosted by Naomi Eagling, Client Director at IDP Connect, join us alongside our esteemed guest speakers Matt Dean, Director of International Recruitment at Aston University, Sophie Turnbull Head of International Office at the University of the West of England and Nick Hull, Director of Admissions at the University of Birmingham as we discuss the offer in principle service helping international students find their ideal institution at the click of a button. 

Our webinar will delve into first-hand client experience using the service to date, including discussions on accelerating and simplifying the admissions process, diversification of international portfolios and building relationships with student counsellors across key markets.

There will also be an opportunity for an open Q+A discussion with our panelists. We hope to equip your institution with key insights to help accelerate the sector rebound and drive increased accessibility for international students. 

Register for the event today

Please ensure you and your teams RSVP using the registration link below