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We would like to share with you a recording from our recent global webinar Global State of Play: What's Next for the Student Journey and Student Support? which delves into key student journey insights and the effects of geo-politics on international education, student support, and much more. We hope that the insights shared from our esteemed expert speakers are useful.

Learn expert insights from Vivienne Stern, Director of Universities UK International (UUKi), Virginia Macchiavello, Associate Vice President of International Development at Centennial College, Livia Castellanos, Executive Lead International Education and Jurisdictional Initiatives at the Government of Saskatchewan, and Sarah Mackey, Director of International Enrollment Management at Northeastern University. Christine Wach, Director of Client Partnerships for North America at IDP Connect will moderate this session.

The webinar is in partnership with GLOW Ed, an organisation with a mission to empower women at all levels of international education. You can find out further information, including their upcoming sessions in the link above.

To access the recording, please click on the link below

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